Monday, June 21, 2010

Just saw a huge snake!

We went out for our late night walk at around 1 am. On the path to Power Station Beach, hubby asked me to stop and take a look at the object in front of us. I looked at it and was really shocked and a bit scared. It was a huge snake! Neither of us has seen a snake that big on Lamma before. It was about 7 foot long and the body was very chunky, about 10cm in diameter.

Too bad that we didn't have our camera with us. It was very cool to see that. It was just lying on the path, very relaxed. Hubby thought it was dead at first but I said to him, no it was moving. I think it heard us and then it slowly went back to where it came from. Perhaps it was having a nap after a midnight feast.

We have seen a few little snakes on the island before but never seen one that big and fat! Very special. lol Maybe we will see it again.

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