Friday, November 14, 2008

A Beautiful Butterfly!

My cat caught this butterfly this morning. I was very surprised when I saw it. I didn't want it to die. So I quickly rescued it and put it back outside. It flew off and landed on a leaf nearby. It was fine. :)

I was very happy that I saved its life! :D


GMG said...

Hi Stella Bella! Sorry for the long delay in coming here, but the last two weeks were too hectic!
Great macro. Beautiful butterfly...
Always a lot of food when dining out; ruining my diet... ;)
Wasabi snacks sounds good...
Meanwhile Blogtrotter is back to Greece! An interesting resort for your next vacation; but you'll be missing the best, forgetting to include the Algarve on your list... ;)
Have a great week!

Stella Bella said...

I want to go to Algarve! :)
