Sunday, April 15, 2007

Don't give me shit!

I received a refund cheque from Shanghai Commercial Bank yesterday. Woohoo!! I got my money back!! Hubby helped me with this. Ho yeah! He's so powerful. :D

The whole story is this:

The bank introduced a new service charge last Aug. Every month 50 dollars would be charged if your account balance was less than 5000 dollars. Ok, fair enough, but they never told me about this.....the first thing that I knew about it was when I checked my balance online, and found that 300 dollars was missing! I had to call them to find out why!

I was really PISSED OFF, so I went to the bank the very next day. I asked them why I didn't get any emails or mails about the new service charge. They said that they'd put notices in their banks. Oh great!! What if I never visited the bank? They went SILENT! I told them to cancel my account and I left the bank very angrily. lol

I was still so mad later on that day.... I told my sisters and hubby about it. My sisters thought I was lucky to find out early, but hubby said I shouldn't have let them do that. He thought I could get my money back. I really didn't think that I could at the time.

Hubby found out about the banking code of practice online. It said that the bank should notify their customers about any new charges by mail, as long as it is practical to do so. Which means they should have mailed me! Hubby went to the bank and had a good talk with the manager. Ha Ha....


Anonymous said...

Excellent! You tell em, love! Tell em to read the law, an all...



娜娜夢 said...

KING!! But if I was you, I will do the same thing! Chasing back my money! haha!

You know, last time my father bought the property and had sign the agreement with Hang Seng in Nov last year. In the agreement, it said that it will become invalid after the due date of agreement if we still had not really to get the key. Last month, their SHIT staff called us to chase the compensation of this (HK$5000) and I BLAMED her on the phone and wrote the FULL PAGE letter to their manager. Until now, I dunno what's the result of it but if they still chasing this money back, I will send this case to the newspaper office!!


Anonymous said...

好勁呀~~我都要學下先~haha~因為我通常都唔理....:p 又唔識同人bargin...下次帶埋我去~^0^


Stella Bella said...

yeah. Ho King Ah! hahaha I think so.


yeah definitely! Can't let them do whatever the fu_k they like. lol

Anna! u r ho king too ah!! let them see your power. Well done!

mui mui,
Don't be scared!! You need to show them what you know!!

Even though, I was angry with them but the final person hubby spoke to was very friendly and professional. The service was good. They sorted it out very quickly. :)